Here are examples of some of the books available in our collection. Please continue your search in the online catalog. To learn more about searching the catalog, watch this video.
These call numbers should help you browse the shelves.
300 Social sciences
305 Social groups
306 Culture & institutions
400 Language
420 English & Old English
421 English writing system & phonology
422 English etymology
423 English dictionaries
425 English grammar
800 Literature & rhetoric
809 Literary history & criticism
810 American literature in English
820 English & Old English literature
Reserve materials (books, articles, videos, etc.) have been set aside at the library by faculty members for use by the students of Delgado Community College. The materials are owned by the faculty member who placed them on reserve or the library. These are high-use materials with a shorter loan period to accommodate the demand.
Most reserve materials are limited to 1-2 hours in-library use only while some items may circulate for up to 1-2 days.
*Please be mindful of the loan period*
- Check to see if your book is on reserve. Follow the procedure below:
- Click on "Reserve Desk" above.
- In the box provided, you may Lookup items by Instructor, Course ID, or Course Name.
- Type in the information for your search and click on the appropriate button.
You may also limit your search to which campus you would like to search.
Click on the drop down arrow next to house icon and choose the Reserve Desk at a specific campus.
The Delgado Community College Writing and Research Handbook was written by Delgado faculty Sean Munro and Monica Mankin.
It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), and is considered an Open Educational Resource (OER). Please see our guide for more information about Open Educational Resources.