Begin the Works Cited list on a new page with the same format and page number header as the body of the paper. At the top of the page, centered, type Works Cited or Work Cited if there is only one entry. If the references take up more than one page, do not re-type Works Cited on sequential pages, simply continue your list.
The Works Cited Page(s) should continue to have the header and page numbers listed at the top of each page.
The first line of each citation is flush left. Lines thereafter are indented 0.5 inches to create a hanging indent.
The entire page should be double spaced with no extra space between paragraph returns.
Arrange entries in alphabetical order.
When listing an online reference, do not include the "http://" at the beginning of URLs.
Dates are listed in the format of Day Month Year. Months that are longer that four letters should be abbreviated.
References cited in text must appear in the reference list; conversely, each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text.
Sample Reference Page
Reference List Citation:
Roberts Library. "Formatting an MLA 8th edition Works Cited page (current for 2018) 2019." YouTube, 13 Jul. 2017,