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MLA Style: Scholarly & Popular Articles

MLS Writing Style standards and helpful information

Online Resources for Creating Citations for Articles in Periodicals

What is DOI and How Do I Use It?


You can use a DOI or a URL when citing an electronic source. "A DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a string of numbers, letters and symbols used to permanently identify an article or document and link to it on the web. A DOI will help your reader easily locate a document from your citation. Think of it like a Social Security number for the article you’re citing — it will always refer to that article, and only that one (What is DOI and how do I use them in citations?)."

Using a DOI or URL is optional in MLA 8 (Should URLs be linked in works-cited-list entries?). The use of the DOI, if it is available is encouraged, though, in some situations, a URL may be helpful, if it is clickable (48). 

Works Cited

The DOI® System."  Found, The International DOI Foundation, 4 Feb. 2019,

MLA Handbook. 8th ed., Modern Language Association of America, 2016.

"Should URLs be linked in works-cited-list entries?" 
The MLA Style Center, 10 Nov. 2016,
"What is DOI and how do I use them in c
itations?" University Library, The University of Illinois at 
Chicago, 2019,
         Accessed,  1 Feb. 2019


Article Examples

Article: Scholarly Journal
Basic Format:
Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial (or Middle Name). "Title of article." Title of Journal, Volume,
          Issue, Year, pages.

Print Example:
Morales, Demori, Raysa. “Congenital Heart Disease and Cardiac Procedural Outcomes in Patients with
       Trisomy 21 and Turner Syndrome." Congenital Heart Disease, vol. 12, no. 6, Nov. 2017, pp. 820–

Example From a Database:

Ostendorf, Berndt. "From the Kingdom of Kongo to Congo Square: Kongo Dances and the Origins of the Mardi Gras Indians." Journal of African American History, vol. 103, no. 4, Fall 2018, pp. EBSCOhost,

Article: Magazine
Basic Format:

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial (or Middle Name). "Title of Article," Title of Periodical, Volume, Issue, Month Year, pages.

Isaacson, Walter. “Shaped by Water.” Time, vol. 192, no. 5/6, Aug. 2018, pp. 78–80.

Articles: Popular Source Examples (Magazines Found Online)

Works Cited Citation:
Berry, Jason. "Leading A Revival: Bill Russell and the Discovery of Jazz." New Orleans Magazine, Jan.
          Accessed 1 Feb. 2019.