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MLS Writing Style standards and helpful information

MLA Style 8th Edition

The Modern Language Association (MLA) Style is commonly used for writing papers and citing references for scholarly publication. It is used particularly in fields of the humanities such as literature, languages and cultural studies.

The MLA Handbook is designed for teachers and students at secondary and post-secondary levels, but is useful to writers of all levels. The MLA Handbook includes not only crediting sources in a particular format, but provides guidance on the mechanics of researching, documenting and writing scholarly articles. This Guide provides information about all aspects of MLA Style. However, it is important to consult with your instructor about their expectations for your assignment. Copies of the MLA Handbook are available at all Delgado Libraries.

MLA Style Manuals

Online MLA Resources

MLA Formatting Tutorial in Word 2016

Simple Tech Tutorials."Microsoft Word: How to Set Up an MLA Format Essay (2017)." YouTube. 31
          Dec. 2016,