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APA Style: Scholarly & Popular Articles

Online Resources for Creating Citations for Articles in Periodicals

What Is DOI And How Do I Use It?


"A DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a string of numbers, letters and symbols used to permanently identify an article or document and link to it on the web. A DOI will help your reader easily locate a document from your citation. Think of it like a Social Security number for the article you’re citing — it will always refer to that article, and only that one. While a web address (URL) might change, the DOI will never change." 


University of Illinois Chicago. (2020). What is a DOI and how do I use them in citations?

Article Examples

Articles in Periodicals
The DOI of an article should be listed after the pages if available. If accessing an article online and a DOI is not available, list the URL of the website where the article was found. If found in the majority of academic databases, it is not necessary to post the website of the database where found. Some databases provide a stable URL which can be used as a link that contains the term 'stable'. 

Basic Format
Author, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue
     number), pages.

Journal, Magazine or Newspaper Article without a DOI, from print version or most academic research databases:

Hicks, Stephen. (2020). Out in Architecture? Architect. 109(10), 72-74.
Bolanos, C. (2018). Latinas in STEM: Inspiring leaders and role models. Latina Style, 24(2), 22-26.
Shapio, E. (2020 November 18). New York City to close public schools again as virus cases rise. The
     New York Times. 

Journal Article with a DOI or stable URL:
Callan, J. A., Howland, R. H., & Puskar, K. (2009). Adolescent depression: Assessment
     and treatment. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 47(7),
     11-12. https://doi:10.3928/02793695-20090527-07
Meier, D.E. and Bowman, B. (2017). The changing landscape of palliative care. Generations: Journal of
     the American Society on Aging. 41
(1). 74-80.


Reference List Citation:
Kane, E. A. (2018). Quitting caffeine: 3 tried-and-true tips to help you kick the caffeine habit. 
         Amazing Wellness, 10(2), 22-23.

Pflaff, C.A. (2019). The ethics of acquiring disruptive technologies: Artificial intelligence,
     autonomous weapons, and decision support systems. PRISM. 8(3). 128-145.