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Open Educational Resources: OER by Subject

Guide to Open and Affordable Educational Resources for Delgado Faculty

Open Educational Resources by Course

This page was created using information from the Louisiana Board of Regents' Master Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year 2019-2020 and the Affordable Learning Louisiana Open Textbook Mapping Tool. 

The information provided here is based on the work of LOUIS librarians and staff to align open resources to the Board of Regents' Louisiana Statewide Common Course Catalog. Not all courses have been aligned and therefore may not appear on this page, but even if your particular Delgado course has not yet been aligned to an OER, that doesn't mean there aren't OER available for the subject you teach.

If you don't see your course listed, check the Discovery and Implementation tab for OER subject resources and OER repositories. If you would like some help searching for OER for your course or navigating open resources, contact Paula DuPont in the Library. And if you are using an OER not listed here in your Delgado course, please contact Paula DuPont so that resource may be added to this page.

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
ACCT 205 CACC 2113 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACCT 211 CACC 2213 (Introduction to) Managerial Accounting
ACCT 201 CACC 2313 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 202 CACC 2323 Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 221/222 CACC 2413 Computerized Accounting
ACCT 218 CACC 2513 Payroll
ACCT 214 CACC 2613 Tax Accounting/Individual
ACCT 212 CACC 2713 Intermediate Accounting I (Lower Level)

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
ANTH 160 CATR 2013 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 181 CGRG 2113 World Regional Geography

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources

BIOL 107
BIOL 101
BIOL 108
BIOL 102

CBIO 1011
CBIO 1013
CBIO 1021
CBIO 1023

General Biology I Lab
General Biology I
General Biology II Lab
General Biology II

BIOL 143
BIOL 141
BIOL 144
BIOL 142
CBIO 1031
CBIO 1033
CBIO 1041
CBIO 1043
General Biology I Lab (Sci Majors)
General Biology I (Sci Majors)
General Biology II Lab (Sci Majors)
General Biology II (Sci Majors)
BIOL 211
BIOL 212
BIOL 210
CBIO 2103
CBIO 2121
CBIO 2123
General Microbiology
General Microbiology Lab (Sci Majors)
General Microbiology (Sci Majors)
BIOL 266
BIOL 265
CBIO 2131
CBIO 2133
Cell Biology Lab
Cell Biology
BIOL 253
BIOL 251
CBIO 2211
CBIO 2213
Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 254
BIOL 252
CBIO 2221
CBIO 2223
Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
Human Anatomy and Physiology II

BIOL 209
BIOL 207

CBIO 2231
CBIO 2233

Comparative Anatomy Lab
Comparative Anatomy
BIOL 201 CBIO 2313 Botany I

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
BUSL 250 CBUS 2003 Legal Environment
BUSG 224 CBUS 2203 Computer Applications
BUSG 129 CBUS 1003 General/Introduction to Business Administration
BUSG 121 CBUS 1103 Business Mathematics (Lower Level)
BUSG 125 CFIN 2113 Personal Finance

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources

CCSS 100
CCSS 101
CCSS 107
CCSS 108

N/A Success in College
Coll. and Career Success Skills
College Success Skills
Career Success Skills

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
CHEM 100
CHEM 107
CHEM 101
CCEM 1013
CCEM 1101
CCEM 1103
General Chemistry Survey I
Chemistry I Lab (Non-Sci Majors)
Chemistry I (Non-Sci Majors)
CHEM 108
CHEM 102
CHEM 143
CHEM 141
CCEM 1111
CCEM 1113
CCEM 1121
CCEM 1123
Chemistry I Lab (Non-Sci Majors)
Chemistry I (Non-Sci Majors)
Chemistry I Lab (Sci Majors)
Chemistry I (Sci Majors)
CHEM 144
CHEM 142
CCEM 1131
CCEM 1133
Chemistry II Lab (Sci Majors)
Chemistry II (Sci Majors)
CHEM 223
CHEM 221
CHEM 224
CHEM 222
CCEM 2211
CCEM 2213
CCEM 2221
CCEM 2223
Organic Chemistry I Lab
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II Lab
Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 243
CHEM 241

CCEM 2301
CCEM 2303

Analytical Chemistry Lab
Analytical Chemistry

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
CMST 130 CCOM 1013 Fundamentals of Communication
CMST 230 CCOM 2013 Public Speaking
CMST 240 CCOM 2113 Argumentation and Debate
CMST 231 CCOM 2213 Interpersonal Communication
CMST 132 CCOM 2313 Business & Professional Communication

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
CRJU 101 CCRJ 2313 Introduction to Policing
CRJU 103 CCRJ 2013 Introduction to Corrections
CRJU 105 CCRJ 1013 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJU 160 CCRJ 2213 Criminal Law
CRJU 162 CCRJ 2613 Judicial Process
CRJU 209 CCRJ 2113 Criminology
CRJU 240 CCRJ 2413 Juvenile Justice

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
ECON 201 CECN 2213 Macroeconomics
ECON 202 CECN 2223 Microeconomics
ECON 272 CECN 2313 Money, Banking & the Economy (Lower Level)

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
ENGL 101
ENGL 110
ENRE 110
CENL 1013 English Composition I
ENGL 102 CENL 1023 English Composition II
ENGL 205 CENL 2303 Introduction to Fiction
ENGL 206 CENL 2313 Introduction to Poetry and/or Drama
ENGL 211 CENL 2153 American Literature I
ENGL 212 CENL 2163 American Literature II
ENGL 221 CENL 2103 British Literature I
ENGL 222 CENL 2113 British Literature II
ENGL 231 CENL 2203 World Literature I
ENGL 232 CENL 2213 World Literature II
ENGL 244 CENL 2403 Introduction to African American Literature
ENGL 251 CENL 2523 Creative Writing (Various Genres)

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
FNAR 121 CART 1023 Intro to Visual Arts
FNAR 158 CART 1123 3-D Design
FNAR 125 CART 2103 Art History I
FNAR 126 CART 2113 Art History II
FNAR 103 CART 2203 Beginning Drawing

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
FREN 101
FREN 102
CFRN 1013
CFRN 1014
CFRN 1023
CFRN 1024
Elementary French I
Elementary French II
FREN 201
FREN 202
CFRN 2013
CFRN 2014
CFRN 2023
CFRN 2026
Intermediate French I
Intermediate French II

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
GEOL 103
GEOL 101
CGEO 1101
CGEO 1103
Physical Geology Lab
Physical Geology
GEOL 104
​GEOL 102
CGEO 1111
​CGEO 1113
Historical Geology Lab
Historical Geology

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
HIST 103 CHIS 1113 World Civilization I
HIST 105 CHIS 1123 World Civilization II
HIST 205 CHIS 2013 American History I
HIST 206 CHIS 2023 American History II
HIST 260 CHI 2033 Louisiana History

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
HUMA 211
HUMA 212
CHUM 2213
CHUM 2223
Humanities I
Humanities II

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
MANG 201 CMGM 2103 Principles of Management
MANG 131 CMGM 2213 Human Resource Management
MANG 222 CMGM 2313 Small Business Management

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
MARK 201 CMKT 2003 Foundations of Marketing

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
MATH 120 CMAT 1103 Contemporary Mathematics
MATH 128 CMAT 1203 Applied Algebra
MATH 130 CMAT 1213 College Algebra
MATH 131 CMAT 1223 Trigonometry
MATH 203 CMAT 1303 Introductory Statistics
MATH 151 CMAT 1313 Finite Mathematics
MATH 220 CMAT 2103 Applied Calculus
MATH 221
MATH 222
CMAT 2113
CMAT 2114
CMAT 2115

CMAT 2123
CMAT 2124
CMAT 2125
Calculus I
Calculus II

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
MUSC 105 CMUS 1013 Music Appreciation
MUSC 137 CMUS 1023 Jazz Appreciation

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
PHIL 101 CPHL 1013 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 112 CPHL 2113 Introduction to Logic

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
PHYS 101 CPHY 1013 Introduction to Concepts in Physics
PHYS 143
PHYS 141
PHYS 144
PHYS 142
CPHY 2111
CPHY 2113
CPHY 2114

CPHY 2121
CPHY 2123
CPHY 2124
Physics I Lab (Algebra/Trig Based)
Physics I (Algebra/Trig Based)
Physics II Lab (Algebra/Trig Based)
Physics II (Algebra/Trig Based)
PHYS 223
PHYS 221
CPHY 2131
CPHY 2133
Physics I Lab (Calculus Based)
Physics I (Calculus Based)
PHYS 224
PHYS 222
CPHY 2141
CPHY 2143
Physics II Lab (Calculus Based)
Physics II (Calculus Based)
PHYS 225 CPHY 2153 Physics III (Calculus Based)

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
POLI 180 CPOL 2013 Introduction to American Government

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
PSYC 127 CPSY 2013 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 226 CPSY 2113 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 225 CPSY 2313 Child Psychology
PSYC 235 CPSY 2613 Educational Psychology
PSYC 245 CPSY 2413 Social Psychology

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
SCIE 101
SCIE 102
CPHY 1023
CPHY 1033
Physical Science I
Physical Science II
SCIE 111 CAST 1103 Astronomy/The Solar System
SCIE 112 CAST 1113 Astronomy/Stars & Galaxies
SCIE 142 CEVS 1103 Environmental Science

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources

SOCI 151

CSOC 2013

Introduction to Sociology

SOCI 155 CSOC 2113 Social Problems
SOCI 255 CSOC 2213 Marriage and Family
SOCI 250 CSOC 2413 Race, Class & Ethnicity

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
SPAN 101 CSPN 1013 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 201
SPAN 202
CSPN 2013
CSPN 2023
Intermediate Spanish I
Intermediate Spanish II

DCC Course No. Common Course No. Course Title Open Educational Resources
THEA 101
THEA 111
THEA 211
THEA 103
CTHE 1013
CTHE 2103
CTHE 2113
CTHE 2303
Introduction to Theatre
Acting I
Acting II