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Interlibrary Loan: Home

What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?

Interlibrary Loan is a service by which Delgado Libraries obtains research materials not available in the Library. 

                                                Please create one account as you need to be verified as a current user                                                                                                      (student, faculty or staff) before your account is activated. 

Click the ILLiad button to login to your account.  

To request materials through interlibrary loan, all users must first register through our interlibrary loan system. New users click on First Time Users to register. After registering, users can request interlibrary loan materials through ILLiad, check the status of their requests, and view a history of requests submitted through ILLiad. 

***** Depending on the location of the Lending Library, it may take 1-2 weeks for materials to be delivered. ******


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Interlibrary Loan

Profile Photo
Courtney Stortz
Professor, Librarian
Delgado Community College
615 City Park Ave
New Orleans, LA 70119
Subjects: Communication